With the mindset of looking for a stable working environment, it will be difficult for you to develop your career to the next level. If you want to have a career advancement in the future, setting strategic goals, orientation and striving to achieve will be what you need to do.
Some people are simply looking for temporary jobs that can cover living expenses in the family. Meanwhile, many others are constantly moving forward by identifying exactly what they need, having specific goals and routes to find the right job, increase their income, have the opportunity to develop their skills. skills, improve qualifications and expand relationships. So how do you develop your personal career and accomplish all of these goals?
1. What is your personal career development strategy?
A personal career development strategy is a comprehensive plan that includes your short-, medium- and long-term goals as well as a career path – the roles you start, developing your competencies and skills, progress until success. Instead of the vague, “get there or get there”, today, more and more people are interested in personal career development strategies.
2. Why does everyone need a career development goal and plan?
Setting goals and plans to develop your career will help you:
– Be clear about what you need to do and should do.
– Motivated to strive in study and work.
– Make good use of training and promotion opportunities.
– Career success.
In general, if it’s always unclear what you want and what you need to do to succeed – by your “standards”, it’s easy to fail. On the contrary, when you have a career development plan and strategy, you can make the necessary investment, preparation, and step-by-step use of individual and team achievements to affirm your competence.
For example, when you pursue a career in accounting and aim to become a chief accountant/financial director in the future, you can learn about your accounting career path, know what certifications you need, invest in foreign language or not and proficient in any professional (tax, financial statements,…).
3. Planning steps for a successful career
3.1. Set specific goals
To be successful at anything, you need to have specific goals. Everyone has a different view of success, so you cannot rely on others but must determine your own direction.
Right now, you may still be confused and think about your career goals. But once identified, these goals will help you choose the job that best suits you, thereby creating an advantage for you to develop your career.
Your career goals may change over time. This depends on how you view the work at the moment. So change them if you feel the need. Your career goals when you first start working will certainly not be the same as the goals you set when you have been working for 5 years.
Do you know why employers often ask “What are your plans for the next 5 years”? The reason is because employees with clear direction will work hard and strive to achieve the goals they want. This not only helps employers find talented candidates, but also determines whether candidates want to stay with their company for a long time.
So if you don’t have a goal of your own, start searching now. Think about yourself 5 years from now: What do you want to be? How much salary do you want?
3.2. Discover personal interests
When going to work, you will certainly encounter difficulties that make you feel tired and want to quit. However, if you really love what you’re doing, you’ll feel more relaxed and optimistic even when things get tough.
We often assume that our strengths and interests are the same, but this is not always the case. Sometimes we are strong in a certain area simply because we have spent a lot of time learning and practicing, not because of personal interests.
Obviously not everyone can find the right job for themselves. So the simpler way is to discover what you love and apply it to your work. For example, when you were a student, you didn’t do well in English, but now you are an editor at a television station because you get to write about what you love.
3.3. Consistency when choosing a job
When we feel overwhelmed with work, we often quickly change to a new job even if the job is not suitable for us. However, this will not help your career in the long run. Not to mention whether the job is right for you or not, it will also take you quite a while to get used to the new tasks.
When you have a holistic view of your career, you will make better decisions when looking for a job. So before choosing any job, consider whether it can support your development goals. For example, can you learn any more skills? Can you build new relationships? Can you get a promotion?
Choosing the right job will give you the opportunity to develop well
3.4. Share your goals with those around you
Once you have clear career goals, share them with the people around you. This will help you get the attention of employers and in the long run help your growth.
If you really like the company you are working for, you can talk to your manager/director about your plans. Feel free to share your personal goals and ask them to recommend suitable projects for you. As a result, you can impress them as well as find opportunities to develop yourself.
3.5. Believe in yourself
We often pay more attention to our shortcomings than our strengths. This makes us lose confidence and dare not take on complex jobs or large projects. But just believe in yourself, you will be able to get things done.
When you believe in yourself, you will do everything with confidence and we all know confidence is the key to success. If you trust your own abilities, others will trust you too. And when your manager or boss places their trust in you, you will have more opportunities for growth.
3.6. Leverage your strengths to develop your personal career
Today, you can apply many different ways to discover your strengths: Take short online tests, self-assess the work you have done, ask for advice from superiors, …. When taking short tests on the Internet, you just need to select the available answers and the computer will give the results based on your answers.
You can also ask a colleague or friend about your strengths. The people closest to you are the ones who can see your strengths best. Once you know your strengths, exploit them effectively.
3.7. Improve your qualifications and skills
Even if you are already familiar with the job, you should continue to learn and improve. Otherwise, you will not be able to grow. Be ready to learn more degrees and certifications if they are necessary for your job. Many companies will cover the cost when their employees attend job skills training courses. However, if your company doesn’t cover those costs, you should invest in yourself.
If your co-workers need it, help them clear the backlog. In addition, you can also apply for the work of other departments to learn new skills as well as gain more experience.
Cultivating skills is always an important factor for your career development
3.8. Show determination to advance at work
You may be a potential candidate for a management position, but your boss certainly won’t choose you if you don’t have a professional working style. First, pay attention to how you dress. According to studies, 65% of employers say that dress is the deciding factor between two candidates with the same qualifications and abilities. This also applies when you want a promotion.
For example, if you want to promote to a management position, consider the requirements for this position. For example, how should you choose an outfit? How you should act, speak, and behave to demonstrate that you are a good fit for the position.
3.9. Find yourself a mentor
To achieve success, we must make mistakes and overcome many difficulties and challenges. But one method to help you quickly overcome difficulties is to seek help from mentors who have been successful in the field you are pursuing. The forerunners are always willing to share their experiences. So you can completely meet and learn from them.
Career development is a long process, requiring daily efforts. So don’t get discouraged when you’re in trouble. Be patient and work hard, you will surely achieve the goals you have set.
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